tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 17 15:33:37 1995

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Re: jIlIH(')egh, etc.

vanya writes:
>I really did think about how to make the word "evolution" but I got
>horribly tangled and ensnared in "-ghach" and the fact that TKD only has
>a verb for "developed, be developed" and not "to develop". Has this word
>arisen before and does anyone have any suggestions?

"To develop" can be restated as "to cause to be developed".  Since TKD
tells us of both the verb "be developed" and the verb suffix "cause",
we can say {HachmoH} to mean "to develop (e.g., civilization)".  This
sort of thing can be used to make active forms out of "stative" verbs.
There's often a simple English word that matches the resulting concept,
like {'ItmoH} "depress" or {chISmoH} "whiten".  Sometimes there isn't,
like {wIHmoH} or {DIvmoH}.  Klingon can often be somewhat more concise
than English.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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