tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 17 15:33:29 1995

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Re: Evolution?

De'wI'tej (at the time) wrote:
>QaQchoHtaHghach? (change to something good, or something)
>Just a stupid shot into the blue...
>(Based on evolution = survival of the fittest in order to let the entire
>species get better.)

"Evolve" is just a fancy word that effectively means "change".  The idea
of natural selection ("survival of the fittest") is what got Darwin into
trouble when he proposed it as a mechanism for "The Origin of Species" in
*a theory* of the changes -- evolution -- of life on Earth.  So Jarno's
suggestion is based on Darwinism!

I think the verb {'Itlh} fits here.  If I REALLY needed a noun to refer
to "evolution" in the Darwinian sense, I'd say {'ItlhchoHtaHghach}, and
then I'd glare angrily at the person who made me say it.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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