tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 17 10:50:00 1995

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pongwIj vIbuStaH

It's been a really slow day at work.  So I started thinking about my name.  I 
could have chosen different variants.

raHel = the Hebrew pronunciation
reychel = the English pronunciation

But I wanted something different, but still close.  I decided to work with a 
Yiddish diminutive form of Rachel.  

The problem I ran into was that there is no sound of 'u' as in put or rut.  If 
you put a glottal stop after a consonant, you get the sound 'u'.

So, if I were to try to spell out how I really wanted my name to sound it would 
be <r'H'l>.  But even I couldn't accept that.  I really wanted the 'u' sound 
after the 'r'.  So I left the first <'> in and put in the 'oo' <u>.

If I was a person at Paramount, making up this name, I probably would of spelled
it as R'Hul.  But since I was pushing it with the <'> I figured that should 
stick with the small <r>. (Actually the more I look, the more my name seems like
a Vulcan name, yuck.  What is it with ST and <'>s in names?)

See, there is a method to my madness.


Normally <[email protected]>
When I'm bored silly at work <[email protected]>

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