tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 20:24:13 1995

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Re: Confusion and unconditional surrender (was: vocabulary..)

vanya writes:
>*slipper*meywIj mojpu' no'lI' SurghDu'  ;P
>(I wanted to say "I made your ancestors' skins into slippers" but it
>didn't seem to work and I had to settle for this more passive translation;
>does it make sense to anyone as an insult?)

I like it!  Though I think it's not quite an insult.  It's more of a taunt.
If you want to emphasize an "I did it" meaning, you can say something like
{waqHom moj no'lI' SurghDu' 'e' vIqaSmoHta'}.  I've taken the liberty of
using the word {waqHom} here; I hope it fits what you want it to mean.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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