tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 20:13:57 1995

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Re: DujHom chu' vIje'nIS

On Wed, 15 Nov 1995 [email protected] wrote:

> qatlh <DujHom> lujatlh Hoch "automobile" lujatlhmeH?

Purpose clauses using {-meH} always precede the noun or verb whose 
purpose is being described, so {lujatlhmeH} should be placed at the 
beginning of the sentence.  ('ay' jav DoD cha' DoD loS yIlaD.)

> "Conversational Klingon"Daq <lupwI'> jatlh tlhIngan DevwI'.
> lupwI'mey ghomlupwI'mey je lo'laH ghotpu'.
> DujHom 'oHbe'bej lupwI'wIj.

CK translates {lupwI'} as a "jitney".  In my part of the Empire, we don't 
use the word "jitney" so I had to look it up in a dictionary.  My 
dictionary describes it as a bus or car which carries passengers for a 
fare.  It also describes the word as a British word for a small, cheap 
automobile and it indicates that the word was originally French slang for an 
automobile.  {Duj} is translated as "ship" or "vessel" which in 
English, normally refer to watercraft or aircraft (or spacecraft).  Given 
this, I think your criticism is probably valid and {lupwI'} is likely a 
better term to use for "car" or "automobile" or a ground vehicle of 
some sort.

> SuStel


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