tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 12:15:44 1995

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Re: Q

"Mark E. Shoulson" <[email protected]> writes:
\ I think there was an article in a past issue of HolQeD about a handwritten
\ version of it.
There was; it's a grid system, where each line of the letter is between
two points on a 3x3 grid.  For instance, the block form of the pIqaD symbol
romanized as Q looks something like this:  _

It's a fairly simple form to learn to recognize, with the distincitions
between letters generally more obvious than between the formal pIqaD characters.
It's also much easier to write (obviously, that being the goal); if you learn
the strokes in the right directions you can develop a quick hand at it.
But it's still not a flowing cursive style. Also, it's missing the numerals.
(I don't have my _HolQeD_ collection in front of me, but the handwritten
pIqaD was in late volume 1 or early volume 2).

\ Also see some of the GIF files on, which have
\ Nick Nicholas' "handwritten" and "Gothic" forms of pIqaD.
I haven't seen these.

Mark J. Reed
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