tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 11:36:59 1995

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Re: Maltz's Blues

>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 1995 19:51:39 -0800
>From: [email protected] (Douglas A. McLeod)

>I'm working on the Door Repair Guy prison episode, and I'm including a
>blues song sung by Maltz (who has learned the blues harp).  I'm a little
>worried by the grammar at the end of the second stanza.  The double
>negative at the end of the first stanza is intentional (as in <ain't no>).

No knowing if a double-negative is acceptable slang in Klingon as it is in
English... but hey, it's a song...

>ghu' SuD vIghaj,
>ghu' Sud vIghaj.

Typo ("Sud"), but otherwise... um.  I have a green situation?  That might
be more natural as "SuD ghu'wIj"... but I'm not sure I understand it at
all.  Oooooooooooooh.  I have the blues.  Ahem.  Well, what I said about
translating idioms goes double here... ooooookay. :)

>bIghHa'vamDaq jIba'
>'ej pagh be' vItIvbe'.

I sit in this jail and don't enjoy no women.

>qa'vam wIneHpu',
>qa'vam wIneHpu'.
>'a mutojta' jaghwI'
>QumwI' lo'taDI'.

we don't want Genesis (x2), but my enemy has deceived me (why the switch to
"me" from "we"?), communicator [something].

I can't parse "lo'taDI'".  Do you mean "lo'ta'DI'"?  "after he has used the
communicator"?  Maybe you meant "lo'DI'"--when he used a communicator, or
"lo'taHvIS"--while using a communicator.

>tugh qaHoH.
>tugh qaHoh lay' ghaH.

'nother typo.  Soon I will kill you, soon I will kill you, he promises.

OK, I can take "lay'" as a verb of speech.

>'a jIHeghbe'taH,

But I'm still not dyin', I'm still not dyin'...


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