tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 15 07:21:56 1995

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Re: Q

At 08:20 14-11-95 -0800, you wrote:
>On 14 Nov 95 at 7:33, Jeremy Cowan <[email protected]> wrote:
>> bI chI DI ghI HI jI lI mI nI ngI pI qI QI rI SI tI tlhI vI
>> wI yI 'Iy' 'a 'e 'I 'o 'u
>> I used "I" with all the consonants because, if I remember correctly from
>> the scrabble frequencies, it is the most often used vowel.

Mmm... Is that so in English maybe? I thought it was the E...? (In Dutch.)

>Here is an informal sort of military jargon-ish idea:
>a: 'aj (admiral)        b: beH (rifle)      ch: cha (torpedoes)   
>D: DaS (boot)        e: 'etlh (sword)   gh: ghe''or (netherworld)
>H: HIp (uniform)   I: 'Iw (blood)       j: juHqo' (homeworld)
>l: la' (commander)  m: mang (soldier)  n: nIch (ammunition)
>ng: ngaq (support, mil. term)            o: 'otlh (photon)
>p: pu' (phaser)       q: qeq (drill)       Q: QI' (military)
>r: raQ (camp)         S: Sa' (general)     t: taj (knife)
>tlh: tlhab (freedom) u: 'utlh (officer)  v: vaj (warrior)
>w: waw' (base)       y: yoD (shield)    ': 'u' (universe)
>All but two of the words are monosylabic, making them easy to bark 
>out in combat situations. The imagery conjured up by each word heats 
>the blood of the warrior. This is just an idea, I'd love to hear 
>anyone's comments.

Mmm, my first comment would be this: considering that language is probably
much older than the discovery of photons and the invention of shields,
phasers, torpedoes and rifles (even though Klingons might be "more advanced"
in this field then we ;-)), I find it very strange that the names of
individual letters would include these words...

Or are you suggesting the above list as a sort of "alfa, pappa, romeo, tango
[etc]" alfabet? With words "made up" to represent letters when spelling

          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
      162:100/100.1@Agora, 74:3108/102.1@QuaZie, 27:2331/214.1@SigNet
     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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