tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 14 11:03:38 1995

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Re: TLHINGAN-HOL digest 294

>Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 20:22:43 -0800
>From: "Matt Treyvaud, P.A." <[email protected]>

>> chaq "jIyu':" neH ghItlhlaH.

>mu'tlheghvetlh jIparHa'... "object" poQbe'a' "yu'"? "HeSwI' vIyu'pu', la'" 
>vIjatlhmeH vIlo'. 

Could be.  But we know that even verbs that do need objects can be used
without them in Klingon, to mean "in general" (cf. "maSop"/"we eat", even
though usually "Sop" takes an object--see pp. 33-34).  So it could just
mean "I ask:" perhaps "I ask you", etc.

Oh, you should have "mu'tlheghvetlh *vI*parHa'"; "jI-" is for no object.

>And I'm not really sure about that sort of structure, either. Since 
>tlhIngan goes object-verb-subject, if we do use something like "jIyu'", 
>shouldn't it be like:

><block of text>
> ...jIyu'.

It's a good question, although note that if the text were truly the object,
you'd need "vI-" and not "jI-".  But I wouldn't think of it in those
terms.  I'm relying on context a lot: "I ask: Q1 Q2 Q3."  The sentence "I
ask" is complete in and of itself.  It doesn't say whom I am asking, nor
what the questions are.  The questions stand on their own, afterwards.
It's only context that binds them together; they are not properly subject
and object.


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