tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 13 10:28:29 1995

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Some silliness (was: Re: Responses to Vocabluary)

nughItlhta' ~mark:


>>*DEAF-L*Daq DanID:
>"You try it in Deaf-L"... if you know he tries there, why give directions?
>Or do you mean "you will try it there"?  I think you should have used an
>imperative prefix here.
>>pa' qaleghchuq'a'
>You can't use "-chuq" unless you're using a "zero-object" prefix.  "will I
>see you one-another?" doesn't make sense.  I think you mean
>"maleghchuq'a'?"/will we see one another?

*snarl* <- I only said that 'cause Klingons don't blush!

Would you believe I only said it that way to see if any one was reading my

Would you believe the "q" and "m" keys are next to each other on my keyboard?

HIvqa' veqlargh... That's what I get for doing my work on the computer and
hitting "send" instead of "save".

But Sirius-ly ~mark (et al), how would I say "Try it in <deaf-l>" meaning
"Try asking your question in <deaf-l>" ?? [*DEAF-L*Daq ('e'/net) DanID] ???
I hate asking these <'e'> questions 'cause everytime charghwI' explains it
to me I get it for a bit and then I forget it.... "uh, o h  Hello
charghwI'.... say nice looking disrupter you have there... uh, why are you
pointing that at me?" {Ha'DIbaH}... "er 'scuse me?"  {HIghoS, petaQ}
[charghwI' demonstrates the Klingon Sign Language word for "NOW"]
*Soqra'tIS slowly walks towards charghwI' while looking for cover. "What
can I do for you... uh I mean... nuqneH" {yItamchoH}, [charghwI's finger
tenses on the trigger, Soqra'tIS gulps, stands at attention and says:]
"HISlaH joH"

charghwI', pointing to Soqra'tIS's desk, with piles of old emails and a
tattered copy of TKD and says {bIlaDbe'chugh vaj bIHegh}, then with a
toothy grin which makes the hairs stand-up on the back of Soqra'tIS's neck,
charghwI' says into his communicator {matlh... jol yIchu'} as charghwI' is
bathed in a purple-ish light and begins to fade he again uses Klingon Sign
Language to say {jIcheghqu'bej} the faint chuckle lingers in the air as
Soqra'tIS flips through the Yellow pages looking for a 1 hour dry-cleaner.

Uh, never mind guy's. I'll figure this one out myself.  >}};-)

      vay' yIHub Hoch 'ej Hoch tIHub vay' - DumaS
vIta'pu'be' !!!   tlhIngan ghaH *Bart Simpson*'e'
Soqra'tIS           [email protected]

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