tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 09 01:31:19 1995

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Re: vocabulary

> There are several words (concepts) which I have come across which i 
> am unsure how to express.

You already got a number of replys but I decided to break my long-lasting 
silence to throw a few comments.

> bloody

On CK we have "There's food all over my face", (ie. my face is foody :), 
translated as, if I remember correctly, {qabwIjDaq Soj tu'lu'bej}. Why
not follow the pattern?

> also what do we know about tlhingan zoology/botany?  What kind of 
> animals and plants do we know of that originate on the homeworld other 
> than the targh and Qogh (BTW what exactly is a Qogh).  Do they have 
> bird or reptile analogs?  Trees?

I'm sure there's a word for cockroach (I think that's an animal), a small
vermin would be {ghew} and then there are the animals used in traditional
dishes, {ro'qegh, bIreQ, pIpyuS} (and even {targh}). And of course the
three "types of animals". 

I think that besides {targh}, the {mughato} (native to Neural, though, I
think.) Is the only animal we know more of. It's a large white ape with
poisonous horn, if I remember correctly. 


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