tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 11:33:46 1995

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There are several words (concepts) which I have come across which i 
am unsure how to express.

light as a noun
chest the body part
crush or squeeze

also what do we know about tlhingan zoology/botany?  What kind of 
animals and plants do we know of that originate on the homeworld other 
than the targh and Qogh (BTW what exactly is a Qogh).  Do they have 
bird or reptile analogs?  Trees?

What about metalurgy?  Are there tlhingan names for specific metals??

Here are some words I think I may have translated sufficiently:
volcano -- HuDqul
blacksmith --vumbaSwI'

Is pem Hov which appeared in the Sesame Street translation an 
accepted general word for a sun?

Sorry to be such a nuisance!


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