tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 20:02:12 1995

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Re: Sign languages

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen wrote:

> > What we might be forgetting is that sign languages are not only for the
> > deaf.  Both hunters and warriors use signs to communicate with their
> > comrades.
> While it's true this is certainly true, one might easily imagine a Klingon 
> asking:
> "Where is the honor in sneaking up on your opponent?"

In the DS9 episode, "Way of the Warrior", Dr. Bashier asks a similar 
question: If Klingons are so honorable, why do they use cloaking devices?

Worf's reply was that victory is the highest honor.

Anyone who has ever formally studied military science knows that 
the element of surprise is one of the essential Principles of Warfare.

I think a lot of people confuse honor with the medieval ideal of chivalry.
Honor is a very culture-specific concept.  When the Japanese attacked Pearl 
Harbor without warning, they felt they pulled off a great coup and it in 
no way violated their society's high ideals of honor.

When I was in the Marines, we were taught hand signals for conveying 
tactical commands.  The reason was not just for soundless communication 
for the purpose of stealth, but because distance and noise on the 
battlefield often makes voice commands completely ineffective.

> Lawrence


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