tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 12:23:01 1995

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klinzhai "ranks" question.

Yes, I know this isn't a tlhIngan Hol question.

On my Web page's Galactic Phrasebook program, I invite people to ask
for phrases they'd like to see.  Recently someone asked for what I
believe are the military ranks from some variation of Ford's Klinzhai
tongue.  Does anyone know offhand what they are? [The phrasebook
includes Klinzhai as well as tlhIngan words]
	DaSovchugh chojatlh 'ej vaj qatlho'

	DaSaHbe'chugh vaj jISaHbe'

* rejmorgh SoHchugh vaj yInlIj ghur'a'?* * Will all your worries add a single *
*     [email protected]              * *    moment to  your life?  Mt.6.27  *
[email protected] | Prodigy: xseg61a | roj Suvlu'chugh vaj roj Sovbe'lu'

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