tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 08 11:52:43 1995

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Re: Re[6]: ranks and titles (was Suppletion)

>Date: Wed, 8 Nov 1995 11:21:56 -0800
>From: [email protected]

>On Wed, 8 Nov 1995 ~mark wrote:

>>Are there any examples of *noun* compounds at all where the sex comes
>>first?  I should think a canon example would suffice in the absence of
>>anything better.

><major snip> 

>>Of course, it's also possible that "puqbe'" is a fossilized form from a
>>time when the ordering was different, but in the absence of ANY clear
>>examples to the contrary, it's all we have to go on.

>I think that could be it.  <puqbe'> (and <puqloD>) seem to be one of the few 
>compound nouns where the second noun describes the first.  i.e. type of child.  
>Almost all the others, that I can find,  are the opposite.  <jolpa'> for 
>example, its a type of room, not a type of transport beam.  

*blink*.  That's really an excellent point.  Klingon noun-structures (N-N
and compounds) tend to be head-last, making "puqbe'" primarily a "be'"
which is associated with "puq".  By the reasoning I had with "ta'be'" as
Royal Consort and "be'ta'" as Queen Regnant, a "puqbe'" would more
logically be a female associated with the child, maybe something like a
ghojmoq, while a *be'puq would be a "female child" (while a "be' puq" would
presumably be a child of a woman... and who isn't?)  You have something

>One thing to think about.  It could be that <puqbe'> isn't a compound noun at 
>all.  Now, wouldn't that really mess things up. {{;-)   >

That's starting to look possible to *me*, anyway.


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