tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 07 13:16:42 1995

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Re[2]: ranks and titles (was Suppletion)

On Tue, 7 Nov 1995 ~mark wrote:

<snip- that I agree with>

>I think we still do need "ta'be'" in Hamlet, 

Aaaarrrrgh!  Please don't use that form!  I hear <ta'be'> and I think "not 
accomplish."  What is wrong with using <be'ta'>?  We have equal TKD examples of 
the <be'> going before or after the other noun.  Please re-think that useage, 
especially in light of the "to be, or not to be" cannon.
>since, twist the history though we might, Hamlet reflects human biases, not 
>Klingon ones.  So it's very important for understanding the assorted cultural 
>nuances and sexual stereotypes and cultural norms at play in Hamlet that the 
>audience know that Claudius is the reigning king, male, and Gertrude his wife, 
>female, formerly wife to his brother, Hamlet.

Whoa.  I know it's been a while since I read Hamlet.  But I thought Hamlet was 
Gertrude's son.  I thought Hammy's dad had a different name.


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