tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Nov 06 16:31:33 1995

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Re: jIlIH(')egh, etc.

~mark writes:
>...Then how would you give a name?  "mupong <jejQIb>" perhaps?

I already said I preferred {pongwIj 'oH jejQIb'e'}, with the name
as the subject rather than the object of the pronoun-as-verb.  It's
strictly personal preference at this point, but I still think the
name as object sounds too much like "What is a Danny Thomas?"

As for {pong}, I've decided to ignore its ditransitivity and use it
as a simple transitive verb.  "On his eighth day, my sister and her
husband named their son."  There's no proper place to put the name
itself; maybe in Klingon {pong} really isn't ditransitive.

 -- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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