tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 07 07:02:40 1995

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Re: E pluribus unum: $0.02-wIj

>Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 04:36:56 -0500
>Originator: [email protected]
>From: "A.Appleyard" <[email protected]>

>  A literal translation of the original would seem to be {law'wI'vo' wa'}.

Yes, though lacking a verb this sentence would be kind of anomolous.  I
wouldn't necessarily say it could never be used (perhaps colloquially), but
it certainly wouldn't be a simple sentence that a beginner could follow
(bear in mind that Klingon does NOT have an implied copula; you don't say
"*yaS tera'ngan" for "The Terran is an officer.")

>{law' X} = "X are many", so I have turned the adjectival verb {law'} as a noun
>by using its agent/instrument: {law'wI'} = "something which is many" (compare
>{'av X} = "X guards", {'avwi'} = (noun) "guard, one who guards"). Or try {wa'
>moj law'} = "many become one".

Close.  But law' remains a verb; you can't use it as a noun in *wa' moj
law'.  You'd have to use law'wI', as has already been suggested.  And it
would have to be lumoj.


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