tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 27 23:46:35 1995

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}} Virtual Meeting Update

Okay folks, here's the situation:

I just got off the phone with Jay, the KLI's system administrator and keeper
of the machine that maintains

The good news is that the machine arrived and should be up soon.  the bad
news is that this won't happen in a "continuous" state until Jay can afford
to purchase an airconditioner to keep the machines cool and happy.  

However, he will try to get the MUSH up and running on Saturday, for at least
*some* of the the span between 10 am and 10 pm EST.  So, come join us at:

     MUSH.KLI.ORG 2218


     KEVE.KLI.ORG 2218

and with luck we should be there.  I'll try and be there, even though it will
mean sitting on the third floor of the house, without airconditioning, in 100
degree heat (no hyperbole, folks).  I hope to see many of you there!


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