tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 27 12:28:49 1995

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}}} Paintball (how about this)

        How would "moQHommo' Heghqoq" work for paintball? They could be 
reversed I sppose. Also, What I believe we're going to do is have the team 
name (yet another project there) along the top of our backs, along with the 
team slogan (which I was thinking "Sanmaj toS maH" / "Sanmaj wItoS ", sounds 
rough as a direct translation, but I was thinking "We ascend to our 
destiny") then the trefoil below that, and maybe a personal tlhingan-Hol 
saying along the bottom..
 Suggestions? Ideas? Seriously, I want everyone's opinion who is willing to 
give it. Also I know it's a BIT sidetracked (this isn't the paintball list) 
but I would like to get this all as tlhIngan as possible.. 


[email protected]

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