tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 26 12:56:03 1995

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}}} Klingon paintball

Jim Boniface is trying to put together a "Klingon paintball team" and 
has asked for help.  In the resulting scuffle, nobody has mentioned 
the lack of a good translation for "paint".  I think a Klingon 
paintball team needs at least a name for the game they will be 
playing!  To that end, therefore...

To properly translate anything, one must first understand what one 
means.  So I ask what the "paint" in "paintball" really means.  It 
obviously isn't the same meaning as Sears Weatherbeater(tm) or even 
whitewash; it's not intended to beautify or decorate walls, fences, 
cars, etc.  It's not the same meaning as acrylics, oils, or watercolor
as used by artists.  The word "paint" thus isn't at the essence of the

So what IS the essential nature of the paintball itself?  Is the color
perhaps significant?  Is it supposed to represent some other fluid 
(perhaps blood)?  Or is it simply a marker to indicate a successful 
hit?  There are reasonable ways to translate these concepts, and 
others; but first, the correct concept must be identified. 

"Paintball" is a name given to a simulated handgun battle that happens
to use balls of paint as ammunition.  Without prior knowledge of that
fact, the name is non-descriptive even in English.  It's no more
descriptive in Klingon even if translated correctly, and names don't
often translate well anyway.

Alan Anderson              Delco Electronics
{ghunchu'wI'}       Remanufacturing Services
        Test Equipment System Software Group

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