tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 25 17:58:35 1995

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Re[4]: }}} Victory Song / battle cry

Let me clarify something here.

"taS boSop 'ej SuHegh" really is not a pun.  It is not a play on words.  It is a
variation of an American saying.  I have seen: "Eat S___ and Die", "Eat Hot Lead
& Die", etc.  So the item varies.  I just put in an item relevent to the 
subject.  This also could be used for a Super Soaker battle.  But in the case of
paintball, when you are hit with the colored liquid you are "dead".  In common 
vernacular "eating it" is synomonous with "biting the big one", both refering to

I meant this to be something short and sweet.  That when asked what it means, 
the implication would be understood by the opposition.

When someone asks for suggestions, I believe this to be a brainstorming session.
 Which is were all ideas are tabled without shooting each individual one down.  
Once many ideas are out there, they are then debated upon about their individual
merits.  Debate is incouraged.  Destroying ideas is not.


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