tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 29 17:38:46 1995

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Re: (n) orbit?

> However, in the spirit of encouraging discussion, I offer this.  As I was leafing
> at random through TKD, I came across the following relevant set of definitions:
>     {Don} = (v) parallel, be parallel, go parallel to
>   {HeDon} = (n) parallel course
>      {He} = (n) course, route
> Since we also know that
>     {bav} = (v) orbit
> I suggest we consider the possibility that
>   {Hebav} = (n) orbital course or path        ** proposed new word
> I'm proposing a newly _discovered_ word, of course, not a newly _invented_ one! :-)


I have a real problem with this.  Although I like the idea, we can't just 
go about trying to make new words based upon the ways we see the old ones 
put together... UNLESS it is included in the list of grammar-rules we 
already have.  For example, we already know that we can combine nouns to 
make new nouns:  it says so right there on page 19.  However, we canNOT 
use *verbs* to form new nouns.  You found an example in the KD which 
obviously uses a verb?  That's great.  Okrand can do this.  We can't.  We 
are bound by the rules he gives us.  Until he gives us a set of rules for 
combining verbs (if ever!  and I would certainly don't think it is all 
that critical a need of the grammar at this poing), we can't do it.

Not to sound harsh, but it doesn't matter if you 'discovered' it, or 
'invented' it... you still can't do this.  (I know it *sounds* harsh, but 
when I was first learning, I wanted to do stuff like this as well...)

Anyone remember the various 'discovered'/'derived' family words we saw 
somewhere?  Was that in HolQeD or here on the list?

> If we stretch just a little, we might try to use {bav} as an adjective.
>     {bav} = (v) orbit, be an orbit            ** proposed extension to definition
> Then {He bav} would do just fine without needing an entirely new word.

Okay, that is really stretching too far.  You can't do that.  You are 
asking to change the inherent meaning of the verb, now.  That's a big 
nono.  That would be like me saying that <pong> means "to be named".  
Sure, that would solve a lot of problems, but it it violates the rules we 
have been given... as as charghwI' is so fond of pointing out, most of 
the fun of Klingon is from trying to alter your own thinking so that it 
fits the new set of rules... NOT to alter the new rules to match your 

(at least, I *think* it was charghwI'...)

*wonders if she is getting out of line again.  owel...*

tlhInganna' jIHba'! {{:)


HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH, qatlh reH HaghtaH HoD Qanqor...?

--HoD trI'Qal		Captain T'rkal		---------------------
  tlhwD lIy So'		IKV Hidden Comet	|   [email protected]

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