tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 29 15:42:20 1995

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According to Laurel Beckley:
> I was looking over my posting, and I think I've spotted at least one 
> mistake.  My last sentence was:
> vaj vIlaDbe'.  Then I can't read.
> I think  it should be:
> vaj jIlaDbe'.

Actually, either one works, because you could very well be
saying, "Then I can't read," or "Then I can't read it." In
Klingon, you don't have to explicitly state an "it" for there
to be one. Meanwhile, as I noted in response to your first
post, you have said, "Then I don't read." You need the suffix
{-laH} to say, "Then I can't read."

> I'm having alot of trouble with my verb prefixes, but I'm studying them.  
> I'm also not too sure of my third sentence:  paq ba' SajwIj.  My pet sits 
> on my book.  I'm not sure of this one.  How do you say "on"?

The suffix {-Daq} converts a normal noun into what is called a
"locative". That means that while {paq} is a book, {paqDaq} is
the location in space that the book occupies. You are not
saying that the pet sits the book. You are saying that the pet
sits at the location occupied by the book.

Locatives always come before the verb. If the verb has an
explicit object, the locative comes before that, too:

paqwIjDaq qamDaj roS SajwIj. "My pet licks its foot on my book."

Don't bother looking up roS in your dictionary. It is a word
that was introduced on the audiotape, Power Klingon. I'm
guessing on the spelling.

> Laurel
> [email protected]
> x


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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