tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 28 15:07:58 1995

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'orghenya' rojmab (Part 1) Second try......


OK....How's this for a second attempt at the first two sections.....

'ay' wa'
chaH poQ rojmabvan 'oH lulaj tlhIngan wo''e' juQjIjDIvI''e' je.
loghDaq SuSuvchuqchugh mangghommeylIj qummeylIj je,
SIbI' QotlhchuqmoHlu' mangghommeylIj.

'ay' cha'
DaH choHqu'bej ghu'. reH tlhIngan wo' yuQjIjDIvI' je joj tu'lu'taH.
pa' Suvbe'chuq mangghommey.

The original English text can now also be found on my homepage,
select //'orghenya' rojmab// to load it...address below the .sig

The next bits coming shortly.....


-- toDbaj
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