tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 29 14:08:37 1995

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Re: 'orghenya' rojmab (Part 1) Second try......

According to [email protected]:
> nuqneH
> OK....How's this for a second attempt at the first two sections.....
> 'ay' wa'
> -=-=-=-=
> chaH poQ rojmabvan 'oH lulaj tlhIngan wo''e' juQjIjDIvI''e' je.

I don't understand what {-van} is doing at the end of {rojmab}.
A "peace treaty salute"? I also see what appears to be two
complete sentences jammed together with no grammatical
explanation, and I don't understand either sentence.

The first one looks like "The peace treaty salute requires them
(capable of language)." The second one looks like, "THE UNITED
don't think you want the suffix {-'e'} here at all.

Perhaps you were trying for:

rojmabvam lulaj tlhIngan wo' juQjIjDIvI' je 'e' poQ rojmabvam.

"This peace treaty requires that the United Federation of
Planets and the Klingon empire accept this treaty." The second
instance of {rojmabvam} could be replaced with {'oH}, but TKD
says it is perfectly acceptable to explicitly repeat a noun in
these circumstances, and for a peace treaty, you want things as
clear as possible.

> loghDaq SuSuvchuqchugh mangghommeylIj qummeylIj je,
> SIbI' QotlhchuqmoHlu' mangghommeylIj.

I've never seen {-chuqmoHlu'} used together. Let me think about
this. "One causes one'sself to disable each other." Naaa. That
can't be it. Then {mangghommeylIj} sits there in the subject
position, when it CAN'T be the subject because {-lu'} says the
subject is indefinite.

Tweak the word order, drop the {-chuqmoH} and I think we may
have something here:

loghDaq SuSuvchuqchugh mangghommeylIj qummeylIj je, SIbI
mangghommeylIj Qotlhlu'.

If your armies and governments fight each other in space, your
armies will be immediately disabled." [...something will
immediately disable your armies.]

> 'ay' cha'
> -=-=-=-=-
> DaH choHqu'bej ghu'. reH tlhIngan wo' yuQjIjDIvI' je joj tu'lu'taH.
> pa' Suvbe'chuq mangghommey.

"Now, the situation definitely changes a lot. There will always
be a Klingon Empire [Yaaaaaaaay!] and a United Federation of
Planets [Booooooo!]. There, armies do not fight each other."

> The original English text can now also be found on my homepage,
> select //'orghenya' rojmab// to load it...address below the .sig
> The next bits coming shortly.....
> Qapla'
> -- toDbaj
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------

Unfortunately, dialing in from home, I can't do www...


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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