tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 28 11:28:32 1995

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Re: KLBC: 'orghenya' rojmab (Part 1)

According to [email protected]:
> nuqneH
> I am attempting to translate the Organian Peace Treaty 

Remember to spit every time you say those words...

> 'ay' wa'
> -=-=-=-=
> quq rojambvan 'ej 'oH lulaj tlhIngan wo' yuQjIjDIvI' je.

That second word needs some work. Also, if {quq} is supposed to
refer to the two things combined by {'ej}, the whole sentence
needs some work. {quq} needs a subject, and that subject needs
to be a noun or more usefully, nouns. {'ej} is a VERB
conjunction. It connects sentences, which at the root level are
fully modified VERBS. Nouns, in essence, simply add detail to
the verbs, after all. Consider {wanI'} and its variations
(suffixes) instead of trying to make a sentence (verb) combine
with a noun to form the subject of quq. Generally the "things"
that happen simultaneously are "events".

It's okay to result in a translation that has more Klingon
sentences in it than the English did, especially in a peace
treaty where lives are at stake. (The translator's life is
particularly at risk.)

> SuSuvchuq 'e' Sumevchugh loghDaq mangghommeylIj qummeylIj je,
> sIbI' Qaw'eghmoH mangghommeylIj.

Wrong prefix on mev. And this whole thing seems confused.
{mangghommeylIj qummeylIj je} does not seem to be the subject
or object of anything. I don't understand what it is doing in
the sentence. Also, ignoring these mysterious nouns, it looks
like "If you stop fighting each other, then in space, suddenly
your armies will destroy themselves." 

> 'ay' cha'
> -=-=-=-=-
> DaHvo' poH, jojDaq tlhIngan wo' yuQjIjDIvI' je 'oH mIch tIn 'e'.
> pa' Suvbe'chuq mangghommey.

{DaH} is not a noun, so it can't take a noun suffix. The
sentence that follows it makes my head hurt. First clue: The
pronoun {'e'} NEVER appears at the end of a sentence. Hmmm.
Looks like you wanted the SUFFIX {-'e'}. Careful. These are
completely unrelated entities. If you put a space in front of a
suffix, it tends to look a lot like a separate word.

So let's look closer. You seem to want "The area between the
Klingon Empire and The United Federation of Planets". Realize
that in Klingon, the only way to relate the noun {joj} with
these other nouns is the noun-noun construction. Think: "The
Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets' area
between". For this, you need to work on your word order.

Also, recognize that "The area is a big area," is a somewhat
inefficient way of saying, "The area is big." Also, realize
that when you use a word like "area" as an object or subject,
you don't want {-Daq} on it. That turns it into a locative, and
it stops acting like a regular noun, behaving more at that
point like an adverbial. That's why nouns with {-Daq} usually
go at the beginning of a sentence.

The second sentence seems fine.

> I'm unsure of DaHvo' poH for //from this time on[wards]//....

Well, I'm absolutely positive about it not working. I'd go for
two sentences:

DaH choHqu'bej ghu'. reH ...-taH ...-taH ...-taH...

You basically want to express two things. The present is
suddenly different from the past, and the future will always be
like the present. There are other ways to express, "Now, we
begin to continue..." In particular, you could work with
{-choHtaH}, but without and explicit {reH}, you can't presume
that {-taH} implies perpetuity, and puting {reH} in front of a
sentence with {-choHtaH} sounds like things are in a perpetual
state of changing. This is not what you want.

{-choH} points to an instant on a time line. {-taH} is more
like a vague smudge without definite boundaries. {reH} is the
BIG smudge, definitely without boundaries. I think it is best
for what you want to use two sentences. Once announces a big
change. The second describes the permanent future.

This is ambitious. Good luck.

> Qapla'
> -- toDbaj
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> | $$$              $$$  $$           $$           $$$     |
> -----------------------------------------------------------


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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