tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 23 03:54:47 1995

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Re: tlhIj

chargwI' qajatlhneS.

I thank you for your critique. I hope soon to get the hang of complex 
sentences. Simple ones are, well, simple. There doesn't seem to be much 
challenge in saying {HIq SuD}. Actually, fitting the available vocabulary to my
thoughts _can_ take some effort. For instance, I don't know how to say "ball," 
so I couldn't say "the ball is red."  Maybe {moQ reHmeH Doq}?

Sajatlhta' > reH "shareware" vIDIlpu' vIlo'chugh.
Here, I indeed intended to use the perfective. By my definition of shareware, 
trying it doesn't quite count as using it. If I try it and don't like it, I
don't consider that I have used it.                                           

I apologize for opening the {pong} can of worms. I did see a problem with 
{pong} appearing to need both a subject and two different kinds of objects. I 
thought I had a clever solution with the {-lu'} and {-'egh} suffixes. {-lu'}
would seem to remove the need for a subject, and {-'egh} makes the subject the 
same as the direct object. The other word I considered was {per}, but it looks 
like it might have the same problem as {pong}. I think I will continue to use 
{pong}, and maybe the constant irritation will force the issue. :-)       

Usage aside, instead of the timid {ghunchu'wI' pong'egh}, I should have said
{ghunchu'wI' HIpong} (as in "Call me Ishmael). That would be more like a 
Klingon, would it not?

chojatlhta' > bIQuch'a'?

mu'meylIj muQuchmoH.

qhunchu'wI' HIpong.

Alan Anderson                    Delco Electronics
-.-. --.-       Service Test Equipment Engineering
.-- -... ----. .-. ..- ..-.  System Software Group

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