tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 16 05:20:04 1995

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easy sentences

I finally made up my mind and tried to translate
some "easy" sentences. I would like to know:
- are they grammatically correct?
- do they convey the intended meaning?
- are there better ways to do this?

1. This is a book.
   paq 'oH Dochvam'e'.

I think, in most cases paq 'oH will suffice,
however I wanted to preserve the demonstrative

2. This suitcase is mine.
   DochwIj 'oH lengwI' ngaSwI'vam'e'.

I don't expect lengwI' ngaSwI' to be
misinterpreted as "box _for_ travellers"

3. The children are asleep.
   Qong(choH) puqpu'.

4. This book is for you.
   SohvaD nob 'oH paqvam'e'.

5. This is where I work.
   DaqvamDaq jIvum.

6. There was a large crowd.
   DaqvetlhDaq ghom'a' tIn tu'lu'.

Does tIn work this way?
(Tense would have to be specified by context.)

7. It was impossible to go further.
   DuHbe' Duvqa'ghach.

8. It was a pity the weather was so bad.
   QaHHa'laHpu' SuSmey. vaj moghnISlu'.

I would especially like to see a translation
of "it's a pity" or something like that.
For the weather, I thought bad winds would
probably be most inconvenient to the hunter.

Thank you for your help.

				Marc 'Doychlangan'

Marc Ruehlaender	[email protected]
Universitaet des Saarlandes, Saarbruecken, Germany

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