tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jan 15 17:55:17 1995

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Klingon Email Course

Actually, I have a number of topics I will be sending mail on over the 
next couple of days, but I thought I would start on this one, since I 
hear about it *all* the time... and everyone forgets...

I am the person who is working on the email course.  It is going very 
slowly, mainly because a few other things (like school, work, and this 
list) have to take a priority... and I am currently doing all the work 
myself.  Guido has graciously offered to help (once he gets done with 
_Hamlet_, and I will most definitely put him to work...

In the meanwhile, I ask you to be patient.  I am hoping to have more time 
to work on my Hol this semester, and the KEC is near the top of my list 
of "Things To Do".  When it's ready, you'll hear about it.  Trust me. :)


HaghtaHbogh tlhIngan yIvoqQo'!  toH, qatlh reH HaghtaH HoD Qanqor...?

--HoD trI'Qal		Captain T'rkal		---------------------
  tlhwD lIy So'		IKV Hidden Comet	|   [email protected]

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