tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 05 17:25:00 1995

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Re: Idea

Lawrence's reply (below) was originally sent privately to myself and
the person asking the question, but the response I have may very well
be of interest to the list as a whole, so I'm CC'ing the list on it.
With luck, Lawrence won't kill me for publicising his private mail. :)

Also, as an asside to the list: Folks, if you give me an administrative
request, GIVE ME TIME TO RESPOND TO IT before pitching a hissy-fit on
the list.  Specifically, three or four times I've gotten requests to remove
someone from the list, and 12 hours later had the person demand to be
removed from the list, on the list, claiming that they've sent mail and
got ignored. I have a life, I do things other than the KLI, give me time!


> > Actually, I may have a small problem with getting a hold of all those
> > messages.
> > Does anyone have them all saved, so they could email them to me directly?
> > Specifically, I just need every post under the Subject [vay' and -lu'] from
> > "[email protected]" and "[email protected]". I can't recall now, but
> > our argument may have had origins under a different subject.
> Actually, Jay Grizzard assures me that everything is being archived from the
> mailing list.  Ultimately, the mailing list (or perhaps the FTP site) will
> allow *anyone* to access any posts, presumably by date and/or topic.  I'm not
> certain of the details, but I presume boolean searchs are possible.  Anyway,
> I'm sending him a copy of this note and with luck he can pull up and forward
> to both of you the necessary posts.  If you don't get a response from him
> within a few days, do let me know.

The list is indeed archived. In addition, I have all the 1993 and 
1994-before-kli posts. In the near future, I hope to have all these both
online for ftp, and requestable from the listserver, requestable by month 
and year. Once I have this set up, posts from the list will automatically
go directly onto the FTP site for instant access.

In the near (but not quite so near) future, I hope to have everything
available via the World Wide Web. I've seen WONDERFUL programs out there,
that allow for sorting of mailing lists by poster, date, subject, or an
arbitrary search pattern, so that you can find the posts you're looking
for quickly and easilly.

And a little bit further in the future, I hope to have the "interactive"
listserver up, which will allow you to connect in, and issue arbitrary
search requests to the server -- Say, "Show me every post from elfchief,
containing the word "Qapla'" posted after January 5, 1994, and have it
email you the matching documents.

I get to these as I have time. I don't want the people on the list to feel
like I never do anything, as I do. However, at the moment, I'm busy trying
to start up a new business venture, while coping with a shitty job and 
other RL fun.

As for the question that spawned all this -- I'll try to get through the
archives and dig up the requested messages within the next week or so.
No promises. I'm STILL (have been for two weeks) fighting the "killer
winter flu from hell", and don't know if I'm going to be in the mood 
for heavy archive-hunting soon. :)

Your friendly machine and listowner,


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