tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 06 09:20:49 1995

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Re: Idea

>Also, as an asside to the list: Folks, if you give me an administrative
>request, GIVE ME TIME TO RESPOND TO IT before pitching a hissy-fit on
>the list.  Specifically, three or four times I've gotten requests to remove
>someone from the list, and 12 hours later had the person demand to be
>removed from the list, on the list, claiming that they've sent mail and
>got ignored. I have a life, I do things other than the KLI, give me time!

I hate to point this out to you but I have been trying for the better part
of a month to get unsubscribed from this list. It hasn't been to bad the
last couple of weeks as I have had the time to delete everything but now I
don't have the time to waste. Maybe come summer I may have the time again
to read the list but until then I want off.

|--Makin--|Humans,  you can't live with them, you can't kill them|---------|
|---------|(With out express permission from the Thought Admiral)|---------|

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