tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 28 13:33:20 1995

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First Klingon Word

Many of you know that I've been speaking Klingon to my son.  He is now 
about 18 months, and I *only* speak Klingon to him.  (Some may call me 
crazy, but...).

This past week, he said his first Klingon word.  He can say only a few 
things in English, that we (but probably noone else would) recognize.  
Things like "dit doo" ("thank you"), "ba ba" (either "bye bye" or 
"bottle"), etc.

As for understanding Klingon, he knows things like

   DungDaq bIghoS DaneH'a' (at bedtime, and he runs for the stairs)
   bIghung'a'              (mealtime, he goes to his chair)
   bI'oj'a'                (he goes to the fridge, and we give him juice)
   lojmIt yISoQmoH         (he closes the door)
   lojmIt yIpoSmoH         (he tries to open whatever door)
   nuqDaq 'oH QuchlIj'e'   (he points...)
   nuqDaq 'oH qevpob'e'

   (and so on with nose, hands, chin, eyes, arms, etc.)

There's probably 25 things I say that he responds correclty and 
predictably to.  But he usually doesn't say things back, until now.  He 


Okay, it sounds sometimes like "go" and sometimes like "ko", but it is 
definitely in response to my saying /Qo'/, which is far easier than /ghobe'/.

As his skills develop, I'll continue to post updates here.  


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