tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 26 09:20:24 1995

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     I've just started doing something which I'm not sure anyone else is working
on. It's a daunting task too, so if anyone else IS working on it, I'd like to 
know so we don't end up duplicating work:

     I'm going through TKD, and clustering groups of related words together in 
another source. For example, under the very general heading of "FOOD," I'm 
listing all the nouns and verbs which have anything to do with eating, drinking,
&c. Other groups could be made under the headings "SPACE," "BATTLE," "SOCIAL," 
"BODY," and bunches more.

     It's my hope that such a canonical collection would highlight needed words.
For instance, there are verbs for eating and drinking, but not for tasting. We 
might even end up digging up words that, for whatever reason, aren't connected 
with a given subject but should be...

'IwlIj jochjaj!

-- David Wood, Freelance Computer Consultant
("Freelance" is just a cheesy way of saying "Irregularly Employed")

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