tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 24 07:30:57 1995

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Re: Web pages

>Let's try this again, shall we?
>The other day I sent out an invitation to all the members of the
>tlhingan-Hol mailing list requesting that they check out "The Ballad of the
>Death of Captain Klank" on my web pages.  While I was composing the
>message, I received a phone call, and I rushed to send off the post.  In
>short, I forgot to include the URL.
>reH latlh qabDaq qul tuj law' Hoch tuj puS
>The URL in question is
>I would appreciate any criticisms, of a grammatical nature or otherwise,
>that you might have to offer.
>Anthony Curran
>[email protected]


As proof of the fact that I should be studying Pakled not Klingon it took
me til last week to figure out how to get to your Web Site from my
freenet.  The Ballad is really good.  I downloaded it and reposted it in
our Star Trek discussion group, with your name prominently displayed.  I
haven't scrutinized the Klingon yet, but the English is impressive enough.
I like the way you give the narrator a quirky personality (and a thing for
Kira).  And you weren't afraid to invent details, like the generator
falling on Klank's head.  Has anyone analysed the Klingon for you? 
chargwI' has criticised DRG up to episode 021, but I think he's been too
busy of late, or else he just got fed up with my temporal locatives.  Are
you doing any more Klingon things?  After a couple of years of thinking
about Klingon it seems to me that the thing it's best suited for is
stories about space missions.  I don't know if photon torpedoes belong in
the Bible or Hamlet.  I'm up to episode 045 in DRG, and plan to continue to
065.  In the latest one I featured three blues songs by Maltz: a Klingon
version of Robert Johnson's "Cross Road Blues", and two you could call "No
qagh Blues" and "Maltz's Blues".  I'm working on a version of George
Formby's "When I'm Cleaning Windows" for 046, called "When I'm Running
		The gifs I've found are quite a joy
		Natasha Yar is not a boy
		And neither is Deanna Troi
		When I'm running Windows.

Anyway, best of luck for the New Year and Merry Christmas!


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