tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 20 19:43:59 1995

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Re: See why I'm worried now?

David Wood writes:
>(nItlhDu'Daj [to cross]...)
>chaq molwijDaq ngaSwi' gharghmey vitu'.

No, this says "container worms" again.  {ngaSwI' gharghmey} is a kind of
{gharghmey}.  [Klingons don't cross their fingers; it doesn't work.]  If
you want to talk about a "can of worms", you have to be talking about
kind of can.  {gharghmey ngaSwI'} is a "worms' container" -- not quite a
container *full of* worms, but it's close.

>... this should be syntactically correct -->
>'e' wISovpu' Hoch jIH je

Well, the verb prefix looks okay, but the object is a bit strange.
{'e'} is supposed to refer to the previous sentence, but you haven't
put it after any sentence in particular.

>...would THIS be syntactically correct? -->
>lI'ghach botemnIsbe' Hoch SoH je.
>         ^^-- (prefix for y'all/it)

"All and you ('even you') don't need to deny... usefulness?"  Using
{-ghach} on a naked verb is very unusual, and there are often better
ways to say what you mean.  I'm not sure what you mean by the phrase
"deny usefulness" -- do you intend to refer to the existence of the
concept "usefulness" in general?  Do you mean the usefulness of some
specific object or procedure?  I think you need to find a way to use
a verb here instead of forcing {lI'} into a noun role, maybe something
like {lI' 'e' botemnIsbe' Hoch SoH je} "All and you don't need to deny
that it is useful."

>Five K-sentences, five chances to screw up.
>There are a great many canons pointed at my head...

If this ("canon" vs "cannon") is an intentional pun, it's pretty good.
If it's accidental, it's even better!

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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