tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 19 16:03:32 1995

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I just tried out the MUSH. Neat! I'm still confused (the help funtion 
got me muddled a few times...), but I see where this could be great. 
If any kind soul would be willing to take me under their wing and 
help me a bit I'd be ever so greatful (I've always relied on the 
kindness of strangers :^)
    I just needed the {:}in to get in. Thanks to 
everyone who helped! Oh, also the female avatar for Worlds Chat will 
be finished soon. Its Lursa from STG (The blood of the warrior grows 
anything but cold!)

    "Had I not known that I was dead already, 
    I would have mourned the loss of my life"
              -Ota Dokan, Japanese poet
 (written while a knife protruded from his chest)

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