tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 18 02:48:38 1995

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Re:qaqIHneS! (many replies)


I think I will sort of collect all of my replies in one mail, to reduce
bandwith used up {{:-).

1) qatlho' for all your responses and detailed discussions of my
-admittedly imperfect- phrases. That's what I'm here for, to practice :-).

2) I thought my mailer *did* fold lines for me. ghuy'cha' ! I'll
do it by hand now :-( . My newsreader (xrn on a Unix system) doesn't
wrap either...

3) My comment on Klingon being "redundant and heavyhanded" was supposed to
be a joke, I merely forgot the smiley. But when I come to think of it, tlhIngan 
Hol *is* an interesting source of Klingon psychology: remember the discussion about the word for "to love"? It was parHa', "to not dislike". A human might
 be offended if I said that to him. I'm sure some of the language demonstrates alien thinking... 

4) About finding names: my name "taj'IH" comes from the fact that I am
interested in exotic knives, and have collected a few, money permitting. 
I got the regular Klingon knife (do you spell it Daqtaq?), and will get
the one Lursa carries in "Generations" (= the "Raptor" knife, designed by
Gil Hibbens).
(I would like to stress here I keep the stuff *at home*, and lean on my 
fellow Klingons not fool around with blades in public, and give us a 
bad name.) Oh, yes, and I'm 33 years old, and a lady (somebody thought I 
was a man :-) ). However, the only time you'll catch me in a skirt is 
in uniform.

5)Grammer, vocabulary etc.:
I agree that "qaqIHneS" isn't to the point. If qIH means a personal
meeting, I can't use it here, and "qa-" means I talking to *one* person.
So Sa- it is.

"I introduce myself here" = xxx lIH xxx? Could somebody help me here?

"tuHoHbe'" = "you do not kill me". Hm. I didn't want to say that. 
"HIHoHQo'", the imperative/request is more like it. But what if I wanted
to be polite, and not issue an order?
vum QaQ yItaHmoH = continue the good work. Yep, that's what I wanted 
to say.

>> *Germany*Daq jIyIn, 'ej Hergh QeD vIHaD.
>I have been thinking long and hard and now it is time to post.  {yIn} appears
>to ME to mean "be alive, live."  I prefer the Hebrew concept of "lodging in a
>place" to mean "one lives at the place."  Chinese also uses different terms
>for "lodging" and "living life."  I prefer using {*Colorado*Daq jIQong} for
>"I live in Colorado."
>If I could find a Klingon word for "lodge," "stay [overnight]," "dwell," I
>would be willing to replace {Qong} in the above sentence.

Hi, peHruS!

The same priciple applies to German, too. "I live in" = "Ich *wohne* in",
"I am alive" = "Ich lebe". (Volker knows what I'm talking about, hi there!)

7) JOKE!: I have the dumb feeling I don't need the "Speak Klingon Badly
Web Page". I'm doing it very well by myself.

Qapla' (I need the success ;-) )


P.S. My next posts will be shorter.

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