tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 17 07:48:57 1995

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Re: qaqIHneS !

peHruS writes:

>> *Germany*Daq jIyIn, 'ej Hergh QeD vIHaD.

>I have been thinking long and hard and now it is time to post.  {yIn} appears
>to ME to mean "be alive, live."  I prefer the Hebrew concept of "lodging in a
>place" to mean "one lives at the place."  Chinese also uses different terms
>for "lodging" and "living life."  I prefer using {*Colorado*Daq jIQong} for
>"I live in Colorado."

What's the difference between "I live there" and {pa' jIyIn}?  If you don't
like one of them, you should have the same problem with the other.  You do
not seem to dislike the English phrase.  Klingon is not Hebrew, nor is it
Chinese.  Nor is it English, for that matter. :-)

>If I could find a Klingon word for "lodge," "stay [overnight]," "dwell," I
>would be willing to replace {Qong} in the above sentence.

Here's another of the rare cases where Klingon must use a noun to express
what an English verb means.  Try {"Indiana"Daq 'oH juHwIj'e'}.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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