tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 13 07:16:19 1995

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Re: qeylIS betleH

>Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 19:09:15 -0800
>From: [email protected] (Alan Anderson)

>ghItlh ~mark:
>>..."Borath" is the world on which Kahless
>>presumably told his people to wait for him.  And if Paramount's cheeseball
>>transliteraton machine is doing its usual, this theoretically would be
>>"boratlh", right?  Which means...?  "You all wait."  (not a command).

>'ach yuQ pong 'oH "Boreth" ja' "The Star Trek Encyclopedia".
>"e" ngaS pong.  "a" ngaSbe'.  vaj {*boretlh} majatlhnISlaw'.
>wot 'oHbe' {retlh}.  Do'Ha'.

Do'Ha'.  taHtaHvIS qech, Daj.

It was fun while it lasted, oh well.  To be honest, the reason I thought it
was "Borath" was because someone had used it in a post.  I don't have gobs
of Trek literature at home (I'm into this much more for the language aspect
than the Trek aspect), so I don't bother to check up on these things.  Of
course, it's not at all beyond the realm of reason that the Paramount
transliteration changed "boratlh" into "Boreth" either... but it's much
more likely that they simply gave it no thought whatsoever and I'm chasing
the wind (which is fun in and of itself).  Oh well.

>>...hey, why not?


batlh bIjatlhta'.


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