tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 11 12:59:18 1995

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Re: qeylIS betleH

>Date: Mon, 11 Dec 1995 06:13:18 -0800
>From: Jarno Peschier <[email protected]>

>Gowron never was Emperor (as far as I know). He is "just" leader of
>the High Council. As of Rightful Heir there is a new emperor: Kahless
>(or at least a clone of his, made by the monks of Borath).

Hey, I just noticed (sorry for being slow)... Here's another folk-etymology
(the kind that annoys me):  "Borath" is the world on which Kahless
presumably told his people to wait for him.  And if Paramount's cheeseball
transliteraton machine is doing its usual, this theoretically would be
"boratlh", right?  Which means...?  "You all wait."  (not a command).  I
can see it... Kahless' prophecy...

"...'ej pa', Hovvetlh HopDaq, pa' boratlh, 'ej pa' tuloS.  'ej pa'

(Note: I said *prophecy*, not command.  Had he meant to say "wait there for
me", he'd have use peratlh and HIloS...)

OK, it's cheap, and I DOUBT the Paramount folks thought of it, but hey, why


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