tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 08 20:05:42 1995

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Re: Some thoughts....

David Barron writes:
>..."The Blackened Heart"...
>I wanted a critique on <tIq qIj> versus <qIjmoHlu'bogh tIq>.
>My impression is that the second does more justice to
>the title.

If the words were in the other order, I would agree.
{tIq} is the OBJECT of {qIjmoH}.

Why does everyone insist on naming things with nouns?  I think that
{qIjchoH tIq} or {qIjchoHpu' tIq} or {tIq qIjmoHlu'} makes at least
as much sense for a title as {tIq qIj} does.  For personal names or
thing names, the "rules" are extremely lax, yet nobody appears even
to consider the possibility of choosing a verb as a name.  Is this
a universal human trait, or is it an English mindset?  Something in
the back of my brain is asking what the word for "horse" is in some
Native American language, perhaps Navajo or Cherokee, but I can't
remember what I think I heard once.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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