tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 06 19:43:00 1995

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Re: {-bogh} vs {-meH}

QetaH writes:
>So, as a name gormeH taj is OK?  Even preferable?

It's okay as a *description* only if context permits it.  As a *name* it
leaves much to be desired, but names are seldom sufficiently descriptive
to be used "cold" without an accompanying explanation.  I know that the
words {batlh 'etlh} don't describe a {betleH}, but because I know it is
the name Kahless gave his sword, I know what it means.  If you want to
name your axe, and if you show us the axe while telling us its name, then
you can reasonably expect *us* to understand what you mean when you use
its name.  If your axe becomes famous, you can reasonably expect many
people to know its name.

Bottom line:  don't expect anyone to understand {ghormeH taj} by itself.

>BTW, as a name can it be run together as in:  HomghormeHtaj ?

Echhh, that's an ugly name.  Aesthetics aside, the answer is NO!
The only way to make a new noun is to combine nouns, and {ghormeH}
is a verb.

Even when you *are* combining nouns, try not to get carried away with
"seamless" compounds -- anything that makes sense without spaces ought
to make at least as much sense *with* them.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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