tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 05 10:36:41 1995

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Colors? What colors?

 uu> From: ur-valhalla!!slater (Jan & Lorie Slater)
 uu> Subject: Colors? What colors?
 uu> One other oddity, is the apparent lack of support for the decimal
 uu> point. 

We do have {vatlhvI'} meaning "percent", though.  Since {vatlh} is 100,
my hypothesis has been that {*-vI'} is a suffix similar to "-th" in
English.  Although I have never used them, I would speculate that
"tenth" would be {*maHvI'}, "thousandth" would be {*SaDvI'},
"tenthousandth" would be {*netlhvI'}, and so on.  The decimal number
would then be enumerated the same as a whole number:  3.14159 would
become {wej wa' *maHvI' loS vetlhvI' wa' *SaDvI' vagh *netlhvI' Hut

As a mechanic used to reading micrometers in thousandths of an inch,
I'm used to saying things like "three hundred and twelve thousandths."
I'm sure that it would be easy enough to use the {xxxvI'} method once one
became accustomed to it.

| Lieutenant Commander Qob vestai-qutvaj                     |          |
| Quadrant Adjutant, Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet, KAG |  NOR!    |
| Second and Communications Officer, I.K.V. Crystal Dagger   |  QUAD!   |
|     === Member, Klingon Language Institute ===             |  ROCKS!  |
| Fidonet:  Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701             |          |
| Internet: [email protected]              |          |

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