tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Dec 05 10:36:38 1995

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qeylIS betleH

 uu> From: Jarno Peschier <ur-valhalla!!jpeschie>
 uu> Subject: qeylIS betleH
 >That implies that almost *all* Klingons speak pidjin, though.  (I know,
 >I know, "It should be remembered that even though the rules say 'always;
 >and 'never,' when Klingon is actually spoken these rules are sometimes
 >broken."  Sometimes I think that everyday Hol bears as much resemblence
 >to the Hol of TKD as the ghetto English of the inner city resebles the
 >Queen's English!)

 uu> That could be a good parallel, I suspect. Have you heard the tape
 uu> Power Klingon? It has some small examples of regional dialect on it
 uu> (just to let you hear the difference ;-)). I found this a nice part of
 uu> the tape. It sort of goes in this direction, so to speak.

Yes, I've had Power Klingon since the day it was released (it's a very
useful tape for long trips in the car!)  The whole "dialect" bit was an
excuse for why pronunciation was so bad on the show, but *was* a nice
segment none the less.

| Lieutenant Commander Qob vestai-qutvaj                     |          |
| Quadrant Adjutant, Northern Quadrant, Dark Moon Fleet, KAG |  NOR!    |
| Second and Communications Officer, I.K.V. Crystal Dagger   |  QUAD!   |
|     === Member, Klingon Language Institute ===             |  ROCKS!  |
| Fidonet:  Bill Willmerdinger @ 1:2613/477.1701             |          |
| Internet: [email protected]              |          |

... tlhInagnpu' tebbogh Qe'Daq "yIHmey!" jachlu' 'e' chaw'lu''a'?

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