tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 04 16:00:18 1995

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Re: intransitive verbs

marqem writes:
>...Verbs like yIt 'walk' or Qong
>'sleep' take no objects, but they don't describe states or qualities.  You
>can say mang yoH 'a brave soldier', but not *mang Qong for 'a sleeping
>soldier' (the star is a linguistic symbol for an ungrammatical construction).
> You have to say Qongbogh mang, lit. 'a soldier who is sleeping'.

{Qong} is an interesting example, though.  I've played around with changing
its gloss from "sleep" to "be asleep" and haven't found any occasions where
the meaning of a sentence changes.  There's almost a justification for this
sort of experimentation; see {vIH} "move, be in motion".  "Move" is clearly
intended to be intransitive, but it's not stative.  "Be in motion", though,
IS stative.  I thought some of the other intransitive verbs might yield to
this sort of technique, but {vem} "awaken" doesn't seem to have a stative
counterpart in English.  It's quite definitely an intransitive action word.

-- ghunchu'wI'               batlh Suvchugh vaj batlh SovchoH vaj

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