tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 03 09:50:09 1995

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RE: Translation request (clich'e)

At 00:19 2-12-95 -0800, you wrote:

>>``Had this been a Klingon vessel, I would have killed you for asking such 
>Let's see. This should be a good practise for my Klingon...
>You have your very own Klingon? Wow!

Klingon as in "Klingon Language".
As in "This should be a good practise for my English"...

What's wrong with your mailer? Why is there no quote-character?
This is very annoying indeed!

>tlhIngan Duj 'oHchugh Dujvam Dochvam chotlhobta'mo' SIbI' qaHoHbej.
>(If this vessel was a Klingon vessel, I would centainly kill you 
>because you asked my this.)
>How about that? The most complicated Klingon sentence I ever wrote on this
>list. Is it at least understandable? ;-)
>While I like ghunchu'wI''s approach better, you should be congratulated on 
>your effort. Klingon doesn't have an "irrealis", as ghunchu'wI' has already 
>pointed out, so there's a "gotcha" that got you,

Well, since I couldn't find anything like an "irrealis" in TKD, I tried
getting the meaning across in another way. This seemed to do that in rather
logical way... (No, I don't have pointed ears. ;-))

>but the overall meaning of 
>your intent came through and what you wrote is not grammatically wrong, 

Thanks Kahless for that. ;-)

>except for the missing {-'e'} suffix on {Dujvam}. Remember that the "to be" 
>construction is {X 'oH Y'e'}.

Mmm, I should try to remember that. Is that the translation of {Y is X} or
{X is Y}?
(I strongly suspect that first.)

>Yet another approach:
>naDev SoHmo' chomawDI' bIyInlaH, 'ach tlhIngan DujDaq bIjatlhHa'chugh vaj 

That's another approach indeed. Maybe it's "more Klingon". I tried to keep
the original sentence in the translation as much as possible.

>begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT
>M>)\^(BT(`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$-@ 0`
[...about 40 more lines like this...]
><JGF,P+H!'@`]``$````%````4D4Z( ````!)" `'

What's this? Is this problem (I see this "junk" as problem, also because
it's annoying) related to the lack of quoting?


          Jarno Peschier, [email protected], 2:2802/245.1@Fido
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     What was was, before was was was? Before was was was, was was is.

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