tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 01 10:48:11 1995

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New to group

Greetings, Group.  

I'm new and I'm jumping in with both feet.

I've joined because I need help in creating a Klingon Roleplaying Game.

maSqa' has encouraged me to introduce myself.

I am "bangteH"
Frank Truelove

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Re: Re[4]: Klingon Language Roleplaying Game
Author:  "Christian Matzke" <[email protected]> at Internet
Date:    12/1/95 1:34 PM

On  1 Dec 95 at 13:21, Frank M Truelove 
<[email protected]> wrote:

Some very good feedback.  Thanks.  (some of it, I didn't think of)

"Klingon Language" Roleplaying means that the rules would be eventually 
published in tlhIngan.

bangna' is probably "truer" to the intent but bangteH sounds better.  What do 
you think?

I agree that bangteH sounds better, and since your last name is 
already a conjunction in English, you could easily go with that. Some 
of the other names on the list right now are similar in structure: 
not quite grammatical, but made up of tlhIngan Hol words.
Are you new to the list? I don't recall seeing your name before, but 
you seem to know what you're doing. If you are new, I recommend 
introducing yourself and your name, and ask peSHIr to add you to his 
list (Jarno Peschier made a list of all the Klingonists on this list 
who use tlhIngan names, he posted it a little while ago, it gave 
email addresses too).
I'm a budding young artist, and if this project were ever published 
on paper, I'd love to help illustrate it (I'm doing cartoons for 
HolQeD right now, but I have lots of free time; especially for 

    "Had I not known that I was dead already, 
    I would have mourned the loss of my life"
              -Ota Dokan, Japanese poet
 (written while a knife protruded from his chest)

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