tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 01 10:04:20 1995

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Klingon Language Roleplaying Game (BattleCruiser Vengeance)

In response to Matt's most recent questions, this is actually being invented 
OUT OF these first few letter.  There's really nothing to "look over" yet.

However, more specifically:

Stats will likely be dictated mostly by what words are available to us.

Skills will be considered "Advanced" or "In-Development" because names for 
abilities are more rare than names for possible Stats.

Combat will be very important, both in man-to-man and in ship-to-ship senses.

Dice Used will either be 10-sided (because the industry is going in that 
direction) or d6 or d12 (because of the original Klingon counting system).

Scenarios will most likely be greatly varied.  A campaign could focus on a 
group of individual, young troops aboard a starcruiser who secretly plan to 
seize the ship and go renegade.  It could also have players in charge of one 
ship a piece (although roleplaying a fleet movement IN tlhIngan might be 
difficult to coordinate).

Welcome to the Brainstorming.

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