tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 29 13:32:52 2011

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Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - Countries

Josh Badgley ([email protected])

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<font face="Courier New">I have to&nbsp;agree...overal, great job with the country names.&nbsp; As an Indophile, my heart lept when&nbsp;I saw barat under the Indian flag.&nbsp; I don't find qa'naDa' nearly as difficult as 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa', because I keep forgetting the ' after the rI', so instead I say 'amerIqa' SepjIjQa''s a tough one, but still very cool to finally have a name for my country.&nbsp; ne'Derlan is another tough one for me, mainly because it's diffucult for me to&nbsp;pronounce a retroflex D and then roll my r right afterwards.&nbsp; I think turIqya' is pretty accurate, and portughal and 'eSpanya' sound more like the actual names of the countries than the English versions do.</font><BR><font face="Courier New"></font>&nbsp;<BR><font face="Courier New">majQa'</font><BR><font face="Courier New"><br></font><BR><font face="Courier New">-- jhb<br></font><br>&nbsp;<BR><div>&gt; Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 13:18:31 -0700<br>&gt; To: [email protected]<br>&gt; From: [email protected]<br>&gt; Subject: Re: [Tlhingan-hol] Eurotalk - New Words - Countries<br>&gt; <br>&gt; My comments on the list ...<br>&gt; <br>&gt; First of all there's a big jolt of happiness because I have long <br>&gt; advocated for using the native names of countries--and I see that <br>&gt; qe'San has just posted saying that my input was considered there, so <br>&gt; I'm leaping around in pride. jImIybe'. jIHem neH.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Also Marc did proper research on many that I didn't, making me wish <br>&gt; I'd done the research all those years ago.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Canada - qa'naDa'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I find it a little hard to say!  I want to say qanaDa or qa'na'Da' or <br>&gt; qa'naDa or qa'NaDa' instead.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Finland - SuwomIy<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Love it!  Especially as I never was sure I was pronouncing Suomi <br>&gt; correctly, and here it is: Klingons pronounce it just like I do.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;France - vIraS<br>&gt; <br>&gt; It's fine for an English pronunciation and grand for the proper <br>&gt; French pronunciation, too. I can really see a Klingon listening to <br>&gt; France and writing down vIraS.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Germany - DoyIchlan<br>&gt; <br>&gt; At first, and when you listen to the CD ROM it looks like a fine <br>&gt; match for Deutchland (sp? sorry) but when you consider Klingon <br>&gt; syllabification, it can't not be Do-yIch-lan. Can the oy dipthong be <br>&gt; formed across a syllable boundary?  "y'all wield swords" is &lt;'etlhmey <br>&gt; bo-yan&gt; not &lt;boy-an&gt;. There must be a canon pronunciation of a <br>&gt; prefixed verb starting in w or y and I doubt there is a dipthong. So <br>&gt; it's Do-yIch-lan and not Doy-'IS-lan<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Greece - 'elaDya'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I love it.  I wish that were the English.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;New Zealand - nu'SIylan<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Same comments as others re New not being translated, but the practice <br>&gt; of the surrounding nations makes me accept it as fine.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Portugal - portughal<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I called it that like 15 years ago. Booyah!<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Russia - raSya'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I was disappointed with this one. It sounds based on the English, not <br>&gt; the Russian.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Spain - 'eSpanya'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I think I called that one, too.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Sweden - Suverya'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; Our resident Swede has already commended this.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;The Netherlands - ne'Derlan<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I expected puH 'eS or the like, but I still like it.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;Turkey - turIqya'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I don't know Turkish, so have to trust that this one is accurate.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; &gt;United Kingdom - tuqjIjQa'<br>&gt; &gt;United States of America - 'amerI'qa' SepjIjQa'<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I like these better now that the typo has been corrected. I tend to <br>&gt; say DIvI' not yuQjIjQa', but the three of them make a nice set.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I would definitely lean towards 'alba' and 'erIn for the kids.  Heck <br>&gt; you could actually NAME kids Alba and Erin without getting cited for <br>&gt; child abuse or having them neglected at school.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; I'm especially excited by this post not just because it says I helped <br>&gt; a little, but because it means tomorrow I can start using the New Words.<br>&gt; <br>&gt; - Qov <br>&gt; <br>&gt; <br>&gt; _______________________________________________<br>&gt; Tlhingan-hol mailing list<br>&gt; [email protected]<br>&gt;<br></div> 		 	   		  </div></body>
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